Saturday 23 August 2003

Our world is to serious, most people are more worried with efficiency and productivity then with comfort and happiness… These two things are only achievable if everybody starts to think more human like and less computer like… In this society most people have goals to achieve, things like best car of the family, best decoration in neighbourhood, best looking wife, best job, best kids, but few of them have goals like, be happy… We’re thinking like machines… and that’s a stupid thing to do… behave like we’re something that we aren’t…
In school we don’t teach children how to play, we teach them how to be good students, and school begins earlier, in these days it’s normal if a 3 year old kid, spends half of his day in school, trying to learn numbers and write down his name… I really think that’s unnatural. If there’s a time to play is when we are kids, and we should play a lot so we don’t forget how to play when we became grownups. I believe I still know how to play… and when somebody calls me kid with the intention of saying I’m immature, I thank that person because for me that’s a complement.
Everyone has a child in them, but some people have forgotten how to play…

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