I’ve divided them into three sub-sets (being the main set, the group of things to do) [Talk about total geekness!!!]:
- The ones I really have to do;
- The ones I’m just ignoring for the time being;
- The ones I’m not going to do;
Populating the sets is fairly easy (explaining how I’ve done it... not so much):
- In the first one I’ve placed all the things I need to do that don’t mess my subconscious, e.g., ending the driving lessons, so I can have my driving licence.
- In the second I’ve placed all the things that would mess up my subconscious if I did something about them, i.e., using the allegory of the cave: I’m freed from the chains... but I’ve decided not to look up... I have an idea of what I might learn by looking... but I don’t know what I would do if I did get tricked into thinking the voices wore coming from shades, instead of thinking that the voices came from the same source of the shades, so I prefer not to look.
I think I’m better off not knowing if the cat is dead or alive... for me, he is still both death and alive... and I’m starting to hope he stays that way... I know that this is very limited, because he could be alive... and I’m missing all the stuff I could do with a live cat (I have no idea what I could do with a cat)... but if the cat is alive and death at the same time... He’s not all death... and a half living cat beats the hell of a death one!
- And, logically, in the third set there isn’t anything.
- If I decide, for all the tasks in the second set, not to see if the cat is alive, isn’t the second set just the third set, with sugar icing on top of it?
- Is there any real chance that all the cats are dead, i.e., if I chose to place all the things of the second set in the first one, would I have at least one living cat?
I’m just probably to sleepy to make sense!