Thursday, 29 October 2009


Routine brings me down.
My life is so predictable, nothing exciting is predicted in the next three weeks... nothing unpredictable will happen in the near future. That is really sad. In the next three weeks I won't have any goals worth accomplishing, there is no motivation really to get out of bed.

I feel lost!!!

Waking up and realizing that the most vibrant moment of the day will be those 40 minutes on the treadmill at the gym... to see if I can beat the time of the day before..

Knowing everyday that I could be much better on my job (not that I'm bad... but I could be really really good)... but there is no motivation whatsoever to accomplish that... none at all (my last two auto-evaluations haven't even been read by anyone)!

I feel sad...

A friend tells me that I'm depressed. I'm tented to agree... but the reality is that I wonder why isn't the entire world felling like me... I'm unable to see any reason to smile tomorrow morning when I wake up.

I miss you... too much to smile.

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