Monday, 8 September 2008


Talking about my feelings with somebody is something I don’t usually do (although lots of people think I do, because I normally express my opinion about things that happen very close to me). I’m not a very “sharing” person either, you could even say I’m shy (probably again, lots of people laughing).

But eventually one has to confide to someone their feelings in search of a little comprehension and also some advice.

That’s what I’ve done. I’ve confide to a very good friend of mine, that knows me for a long, long time. I said what I felt about a particular aspect of my life and then said what I intended to do about it (which is nothing... I’ll just stay low and wait... I think eventually what I feel will change).

I admit I was hoping for a reassuring attitude from that friend... hoping that my line of thought would be understood and supported...

Well! It wasn’t, my friend thinks that doing nothing about any felling anyone has is preposterous. That taking risks is what life is all about, that you have to fight for what you want or you risk ending up never having what you want.

So I’m in a dilemma. On one hand, I can do what I think is right (which is nothing), on the other I can take the advice I’ve received.

In reality I know I won’t take the advice, I don’t like to take risks, even if they give me the chance of achieving what I want... I probably won’t do it because I do not have enough courage... but I really wanted my friend to share and support my decision!

Ps: My autobiography of Nelson Mandela has arrived!!!! I can’t wait to read it!!!

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