Monday, 26 January 2009

The Namesake

Jhumpa Lahiri is the winner of a Pulitzer Prize for her first book (Interpreter of Maladies, witch by the way I also think is brilliant). Afterwards she wrote The Namesake (which actually began as a short story).

The Namesake is a novel about a son of immigrants from Calcutta born in Massachusetts that is named after the famous writer Gogol (His father favourite author). It’s a fabulous book written in very “fluid” English, it loses all the flamboyance that some “newish” writers try to impose us, and focus on the story, on the details of Gogol’s life. Each chapter is a short story, with a different goal and a different set of personages, but always evolving around Gogol (Even in the first ones, that tell us the story before his birth, his parents’ marriage, his father’s love for Gogol, the moving to the US) telling us how he feels living with that particular name, how he feels having such different parents from all his colleagues, how he sometimes even feels marginalized. But it also tells us about his best moments, his achievements, his “joys”... telling us how he has lived the first three and a half decades of his life.

In the overall the book is fantastic; I really think it’s one of the best books I’ve read in the last year or so and I hope this young writer will presents us with more novels.

Monday, 5 January 2009


I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to scream about all the misunderstandings in the world! The big, the small, the ones in purpose and the ones that are unintentional! I just want to scream!
Is it so complicated? Couldn’t we all just say what we thought of one another’s? Without having to conceal opinions, without trying to understand if what someone said to us, had any hidden message?
Would truth hurt that bad? Or are we just afraid of not receiving the approval of our peers? Is that fear more damaging than actually not receiving that approval? Are we all just cowards for not “speaking” the entire truth?

Friday, 2 January 2009

The best of 2008

Best book read

Antonio Alçada Baptista – Nós e os Laços

Best film

There Will Be Blood

Best CD

Coldplay - Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends

Best music

Violet Hill - Coldplay

Best theatre play

Terra de Fuga (Escape Land) (Teatro da Trindade)

Best live concert

Aimee Mann – (Coliseu de Lisboa)

Best blog (in English)

Best blog (in Portuguese)