My first month of work ever. I’m absolutely flabbergasted… not about my work but about the way I reacted to it. It’s absolutely unpredictable the way I’ll feel about my work tomorrow. Each day I have a completely different feeling about it. One day I feel it’s awesome, the other, I hate it. I guess I’ll give it another month before reaching a definite conclusion.
Hum… I guess I’ll have to think more so I can have a more rational opinion about work. But I have to say that there are days when I think: that’s it… for the next 40 years this will be my life. Fortunately most of the time I don’t think that way…
So Saturday I’ll have the last exam of my degree… at least of this degree. Next week I’ll begin gym and the driving licence classes and in two or three weeks time I’ll begin my Italian and English classes… I guess that’s a change to which I look forward.
Last but not least. Last weekend I went to Porto to see Red Bull Air Race 2007. It was awesome… really incredible. But the greatest part of it was the getting away of the routine. It was something completely new... and sometimes (as I write more than I should) new is good, but at the same time it was with a cool group of friends that tends to work great together (although some elements wore missing…). But I really enjoyed the weekend! (Actually it was only Saturday :-p cause Sunday I went to Grandola to the beach).