There's not much one can say. The truth probably will never be known, or it's already known and we just won't accept it.
9/11 was the first of a (small) series of terrorist attacks to western countries (Atocha and London wore the other two), in the last five years. I don't think you can blame any of the American administrations (actual or previous) for the attacks. Sure the two attacks in Europe would be less likely to happen in the way they did but, probably, there would be another excuse and the attack would happen anyway.
I also think that it's a stupid theory the one that claims that the two towers wore imploded (with explosives, in an arrange conspiracy of the government, so they would have the excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq ). I think that the only guilt that lies with the American government, and probably with all western governments, is being so dam incompetent.
1st – They allowed countries to exist under tyrant and radical regimes, just because they wore our friends instead of friends of Russia .
2nd - Previous to 9/11 there wore no exchange of intelligence between any western countries.
3rd – After things like the attacks at the WTC in 93 there was little if any changes in the way the western governments thought about Islamic countries and organizations.
4th – There are obviously lots of details about the attacks that can't be disclosed. If it is for security reasons or just for political ones we will find out when the administration changes ( the political ones will probably then be disclosed).
5th - There's no effort to stop violence in the countries where these attacks began. Even in the London attacks, they say they only did them because of what was going on in there ancestors land.
So, I think that in order to achieve peace in all world we need only three things:
1st – Resolve once and for all the problem of Israel ;
2nd - Bring up the economic level of all countries in the world. If Europe and Japan wore able to do it from almost nothing after WWII, if Latin America is doing the same and lots of African countries are also being successful in achieving the same goal, then maybe all countries with the help of the rich ones can.
3rd – Stop trying to change a country religions, traditions and believes just because it's different from ours.
That's what I think… five years latter…