Thursday, 25 May 2006

I don't have a driving licence. Whenever someone finds out that I don't have the driving licence I hear: You don't have it? But why? Have you failed the test? And every time my answer is always the same… I don't need it… and the probability that I wouldn't use it if I had it is very high… because (and this might sound pretentious… but it's just the reality) I enjoy using the public transportation system… as it allows me to read on my way to school or on my way back home.

I have friends that say that they don't use the public transportation system because it's bad and it's very slow. I agree… but there are times that I wish it was even slower… so I could read more, and the only things I think they have to improve are: Coordination and Comfort and those things will only improve once the using rate increases... The rest is good… unless we are all waiting to have an underground station on our backdoor…

Today I heard a new one… what if you have an emergency? I'm only able to understand that question if I'm living in some third world country… Portugal , fortunately has a good emergency system and I can call for an ambulance… Even if I had a driving licence…I would still dial 112 and ask for an ambulance…

Summing all up I conclude that my personality must be very strange… but each time I find something where I disagree with the rest of the society I tend to maintain my point of view (although I respect others points of view).

Wednesday, 24 May 2006

Well, Alex the girl, the blog that gave me the final push to start my own blog has ended… It's the only blog that I've read continuously throughout the last few years, it's the only one that has always left me with the felling of wanting more. So one has to accept that a marvellous writer with such an ability to make the reader feel so inside her thoughts, inside her ideas has lost the interest to write in the web… I accept that, but I predict I'll be doing two things for a long time… I'll be searching her name in so that if she publishes something I'll be able to read it, and the other is I'll continue to visit her website in order to check whether she has thought it through and decided that someone with such a talent must indeed continue to write.

I know lots of people that went there, read what she wrote and said: It good… but not great and in terms of literature I have to agree… she's still a bit far from great writers, but what she has is the enormous capacity of express so easily herself and also the enormous ability of evolving and learning… just read the first entries of her blog and then read the last ones… read her “goodbye” and tell me that she has not evolved.

And just another tiny detail… a blog isn't a book, and her blog is great… I'm still waiting for the book :p

PS: Haven't write much I know… and it will continue that way until July because of the exams. After them I'll add four new things to the blog: comments; own domain; my films list and my books list.

It's a promise!!!